Group Rules and Guidelines

Before applying, please read and understand the following rules and guidelines:

  • Eligibility for Application: To maintain the quality of each category, an applicant must ensure there are no more than 3 active groups currently existing in the category they wish to apply for.
  • Administration Preparedness: Before submitting an application, you must have already selected 3 chosen heads or co-leaders for the group. Their names and roles should be clearly outlined in the application. Along with this, all heads must be in good standing in Carolina State Network.
  • Activity: Each group is required to have recordings and proof of hours or activity from their members. Minimum requirements are 15 combined hours for the entire group/week.
  • Quality Assurance: Each group must commit to regular activity checks. Any group found to be consistently inactive over a span of one month may be subject to review or disbandment.
  • Roleplay Excellence: Ensure that the roleplay standards set by the Bureau of Civilians are upheld. Prioritize immersive and constructive roleplaying experiences over quantity.
  • Conflict Resolution: All group leaders are expected to handle internal conflicts maturely and promptly. Any unresolved disputes should be brought to the attention of the Bureau's main administrative body.
  • Transparency: Regularly update the Bureau of Civilians on any major changes, events, or shifts in your group's leadership or direction.
  • No Dual Leadership: One person cannot be a head for more than one group. This is to ensure dedicated focus and avoid potential conflicts of interest.
  • Respect and Inclusivity: All group activities, communications, and interactions should promote a respectful and inclusive environment. Discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Recruitment: While recruiting new members, ensure they are well-informed about the group's vision, objectives, and rules. A transparent induction process helps maintain the group's integrity and reputation. Under no circumstances while recruiting should mass and/or unsolicited advertisement occur.
  • Regular Updates: Each group is expected to provide a weekly report or update to the Bureau, highlighting their activities, achievements, challenges, and any support they might need.
  • Dissolution: In case you wish to dissolve or step down from leadership, ensure a transition plan is in place. Notify the Bureau at least one week in advance.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Every group should have a system for receiving feedback from its members and the broader community. This helps in continuous improvement and addresses potential issues proactively.
  • These rules and regulations are designed to promote a lively, respectful, and immersive roleplay environment. All group leaders are expected to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and ensure their members adhere to them. Non-compliance may result in penalties or removal from the Bureau of Civilians Groups.

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